Monday, July 6, 2009

Catie's Graduation

Catherine Anne

"Catie" as she is known to everyone. Catie is the third of my four wonderful children. She is such a beautiful and talented young girl. No matter what, she has always had a natural talent for making people laugh, and brightening up a room. Catie is extremely inteligent and will go very far in life, whether it be on Broadway or helping someone in an office. She will do a fabulous job, no matter what. I love her so much and the fact that she has gradutated and is going off to college makes me very sad. But it's a journey she must take.

I told Catie this the day after her graduation, but i haven't told anyone else. At graduation they gave a speech about shoes. They told everyone to look at their shoes, because everyone's shoes could tell a different story. Your style in shoes changes over the years, along with you. Everyone's shoes are different and have been different place. Well, here's the thing, the night of Catie's gradtuation i was wearing a pair of black flats. I didn't really think anything of it on the way there, but when they told us to look down at our shoes, something dawnd on me. I bought those old-black flats shortly after I found out I was pregnant with Catie, and they have seen many things throughout her life. Things like ballet recitals, school plays, band concerts, and I'm sure there are more.

She's now 18 and and "adult". It seems like just yesterday I was holding my chubby little baby girl in the hospital room.

I love you very much Catie, and will miss you!

1 comment:

  1. How beautiful - especially the part about the shoes.
